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Estate planning attorney grand rapids mi-Sean Cox

Expert Estate Planning Attorney Grand Rapids, MI – Protect Your Future Today

Tailored Plans Designed for Individual Needs

Everyone has different estate planning needs. An estate planning attorney Grand Rapids Mi. should have a strategic plan for protecting your assets from probate, taxes, government intrusion, irresponsible beneficiaries, creditors, and a host of other trespassers. Individuals with small and large estates need to have a plan that defends them from excessive taxes to minimize tax vulnerability as much as they can for themselves and their heirs. Appointing a guardian for a kid is also a priority for some.

For others, prospective medical care is the primary issue. No matter the situation, you need an estate planning attorney in Grand Rapids, MI, who is experienced to help you build an effective estate plan to protect your family and interests.

At Sean Patrick Cox Law Firm, the top Grand Rapids estate planning attorney, we create personalized estate plans designed to meet the client’s unique circumstances. With over 25 years of experience with estate planning  Grand Rapids Mi., attorney Sean Patrick Cox provides attentive service to Michigan and Florida clients.


We provide estate planning Grand Rapids, MI that includes

  • Simple wills and pour-over wills
  • Revocable living trusts
  • Irrevocable trusts
  • Purpose specific durable life insurance trusts
  • Family cottage succession plans
  • Wealth transfer plan for high net worth transfers
  • A general durable power of attorney
  • Patient advocate designation, sometimes called a durable power of attorney, even for wills and other health care instructions
  • Probate avoidance

Our Grand Rapids estate planning attorney also advises our clients on Medicaid/nursing home planning, probate lawsuit, asset protection trust planning, and special needs planning.

Our trust and estate planning attorney includes multiple aspects of protection. Reach out to our office to discover what pertains to you and what does not. We will be happy to design a plan that serves your needs.

We give private counsel on all the phases of personal and financial planning. Our clients range from newly married couples to senior residents in retirement, from budding entrepreneurs to seasoned business owners. We are estate planning Grand Rapids MI attorneys who assist with conventional planning needs and support individuals facing unfortunate and challenging obstacles.

Death is inevitable for all of us, and facing an incapacity is plausible for many of us. Since taxes control almost everything we do, it is essential to have an estate planning attorney in Grand Rapids, MI, to help you with your legal requirements.

We help our clients with a specific plan, with in-depth counselling, and practiced wealth using our expertise and deep understanding of existing estate planning regulations. Sean Cox is a top Grand Rapids estate planning attorney who can help you put your mind at ease.

We understand the client’s goals, outline their options in detail, explore the client’s personal and financial circumstances, and carefully administer a course of action by producing all the necessary documents and/or retitling related assets. Our top grand rapids estate planning attorney understands the ins and outs of estate planning in Grand Rapids, MI, and can efficiently help you with the entire process.


The use of trust and estate planning attorney in Grand Rapids Mi is necessary for several reasons

  • Allows transferring of property without the added expense of probate
  • Defends your property against government excessive taxation or intrusion
  • Enables you to provide for medical treatment if you are not able to express your wishes
  • Keeps your private affairs a secret

Everyone needs a will, especially when children are involved. However, in most cases, comprehensive estate planning is essential. To discuss your specific situation and concerns, reach out to Sean Cox Law firm and get guidance from a professional in  estate planning Grand Rapids MI


When considering estate planning grand rapids mi, one’s estate is everything one owns. All your property and its rights, even the assets with loans against them, are part of your estate. The estate does not disappear when one passes away. The ownership of these assets must be transferred to a living beneficiary as the decedent cannot own property.

Dying intestate, i.e., dying without a will, doesn’t mean that your loved ones will bypass the courts. Intestate estates also require probate, but state law determines who receives your estate since your wishes aren’t outlined in a will. Estate planning Grand Rapids MI attorneys can help make the process easier for your family.

Every state has a different legislative code that applies to intestate succession. It helps determine who gets to inherit principally and in what portions and who will not inherit unless others in line before them are also deceased.

A state’s law determines which types of trusts are recognized in the state. In addition, trusts are subject to federal laws, mainly how they’re handled for estate tax purposes. Federal estate taxes can be evaluated if the property surpasses a specified minimum value. Our Grand Rapids estate planning attorney can help you figure out what types are applicable to your assets.

Wills and trusts can be applied to achieve many objectives, and they can be as adaptable as your needs and wishes are. Ensuring that these wishes are carried out necessitates careful planning in deciding the best trusts or the best provisions for you.

The Top Grand Rapids estate planning attorney at the Sean Cox Law Firm will walk you through the processes involved and help you create an outline that fits all your planning requirements.

Protecting What’s Most Important To You

Talk with a top Grand Rapids estate planning attorney today by calling us at (616) 942-6404. Schedule your free consultation here with one of our attorneys servicing Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and West Michigan.


Estate planning is an opportunity to get into place the right documents to protect your family from three invaders. First, you can avoid probate and the costs, headaches, and attorney fees involved with the probate court. Second, you can avoid excessive taxation by creating the right estate plan through the creation of revocable trusts, irrevocable trusts and other estate planning documents. Third, you can protect you life savings from being lost to the extremely high and growing costs of long term care, just by getting the right estate planning documents in place and implementing a proactive strategy.
An Estate Planning attorney will assist their clients in devising a collection of documents that will help them avoid probate altogether, avoid excessive taxation, and protect their assets from the rising costs of nursing home care and/or assisted living care. An Estate Planning attorney ensures their clients that they have a full proof plan to ensure that all of the clients assets are protected during their lifetime and that the clients full and complete wishes are carried out precisely after death.

You need an estate planning attorney to guide you through the ever changing probate rules, the court rules, and even the internal revenue code, to ensure you that you do not have to be entangled in a probate court during your life and that your family members do not have to go through the stress and cost of probate after you death. As equally important, you need an estate planning attorney to ensure that you do not lose your assets to excessive taxation, or the devastating costs of a nursing home or long term care.

You may need an estate planning attorney if you have assets that you want to protect and distribute according to your wishes after your death. Estate planning attorneys can help you create a will, establish trusts, and develop a comprehensive estate plan. They can also assist with minimizing tax liabilities and ensuring that your wishes are carried out in the event of incapacity. It is recommended to consult with an estate planning attorney if you have a complex or sizable estate.

When selecting an estate planning attorney, it is important to consider their experience and qualifications in the field. Look for an attorney who specializes in estate planning and has a solid reputation. Additionally, consider their communication skills and willingness to listen to your needs and concerns. It is also important to choose an attorney who is transparent about their fees and has a clear and detailed process for developing and executing your estate plan.

There are several benefits to working with an estate planning attorney. They can help you develop a comprehensive estate plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. They can also assist with minimizing tax liabilities and ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Additionally, an estate planning attorney can help you avoid common mistakes that can lead to family disputes and legal challenges. They can also provide guidance and support during the probate process.

An estate plan typically includes several important documents, such as a will, living trust, durable power of attorney, and advance healthcare directive. A will outlines how your assets will be distributed after your death. A living trust can help avoid probate and allow for greater control over the distribution of your assets. A durable power of attorney grants authority to a designated individual to make financial decisions on your behalf, while an advance healthcare directive outlines your wishes for medical treatment.