If you were to ask this question you will find that the best divorce lawyers in Grand Rapids, Mi will almost always tell you that it is not a good idea to jump the gun and move out of the house. This is even more true if there are minor children involved or if you are about to begin a custody battle. Even if you don’t have children, moving out of the house may cause you additional financial harm and weaken your case with respect to a claim on the equity in your home. The best advice is to stay in the home until after your case is filed and even then, not until your attorney can assure you that moving out will not impact your custody position or your financial position. If you move out prematurely with a minor child or children involved, this can have serious consequences and leave you exposed to loss of parenting time or visitation and also hamper your chances at gaining joint physical custody. The top divorce lawyers will always caution you to stay in the house until your legal positions are solid enough to warrant confidence that moving out will not impact your rights as a parent and your rights to a fair property settlement. It is remarkably difficult to change initial court orders as to what happens with respect to your children, financial obligations while the case is pending and property division. It is imperative that you not make mistakes at the beginning of these cases.
At the Law Offices of Sean Patrick Cox, we fight for the rights of our clients in divorce and custody cases. We offer free consultations and we serve our clients in Grand Rapids as well as the surrounding West Michigan communities. We offer free consultations. Please call us to set up a consultation at 616-942-6404.

The Law Offices of Sean Patrick Cox is a lawyer. Sean practices in two main areas, family law, and elder law. he has represented clients in complex divorce cases since 1994.