Too many veterans aren’t getting full access to their benefits. If you or a loved one served in uniform for our country, there are many reasons why you may need a veterans benefits attorney, but the magnitude of the need has recently been underscored by new data.
As this recent story in the Detroit News pointed out, hundreds of thousands of Michigan veterans (and their families) are missing out on the benefits they deserve. We have seen it personally, so it’s no surprise why you may need a veterans benefits attorney to help, but this is a staggering number.
Because of this gap in awareness, Michigan’s federal spending per veteran ranks in the bottom 10 percent of U.S. States. This means fellow Michiganians who served our country, are getting less than they were guaranteed when it comes to health care, disability checks, life insurance, home loans, and education through the GI Bill. Additionally, there is a corresponding lack of access to vocational training and Michigan Veterans Trust Fund (Hide Link) benefits at the local and state levels.
Although 2013 is the most recent year of data available, the Detroit News details the following data about our veterans and benefits shortfalls:
- Michigan has an estimated 660,800 veterans
- Only 22 percent of those veterans used their health benefits from the U.S. Veterans Administration
- Roughly 13 percent of Michigan veterans received disability checks
- Michigan has more Vietnam War veterans than veterans from any other era
- Benefits experts say these veterans can be some of the hardest to engage
The low figures in this data are likely because it can be incredibly daunting to make veterans benefits claims. Whether you are sorting through misinformation or jumping paperwork hurdles, the process cannot be underestimated. This is exactly why you should consult with Sean Cox Law, Grand Rapids Veterans benefits attorney. In our case, we take incredible pride in tending to these cases, moving them along and obtaining the benefits for our clients.
The Advantage You Get With A Veterans Benefits Attorney
Despite the challenges, we have seen improvements in the processes, eligibility requirements, and public outreach and we remain hopeful that there will be more. In the meantime, we and other advocates are keeping tabs on institutional progress and opportunities, and fighting for the veterans who need a hand. For now at least, individual cases get significantly better results with a veterans benefits attorney and we’re doing our part with that. In fact, the VA is taking notice of Michigan’s improvement through increased spending, outreach, and assistance from counselors and veterans service officers: by 2013, only 59 percent of Michigan veterans disability claims were incomplete when the figure was closer to 93 percent in previous years.
Unfortunately, without the help of a veterans benefits attorney, many don’t even know they are eligible. However, if you and your family have stood to sacrifice so much, none of this information should be hidden or difficult to learn about. Don’t just take our word for it, get a free consultation today.
If you would like to learn more about veterans benefits, contact us online or call (616) 942-6404 to schedule a free initial consultation.

The Law Offices of Sean Patrick Cox is a lawyer. Sean practices in two main areas, family law, and elder law. he has represented clients in complex divorce cases since 1994.